Savitri and Sanatan Mahto, a brother-sister duo, who are based out of a village in Jharkhand and became TikTok influencers. When they started using TikTok in 2018, they realized that through it, they could earn a decent amount of money as well as fame. Their dance videos, based in a village setting had gone viral. Over three years, their channel gained 27 lakh followers on TikTok! According to WatConsult, an Indian Digital agency, They could make INR 1,50,000 per month from brand partnerships compared to around INR 10,000 per month as a farm laborer. If you ask people about the content on TikTok, then many people would make use of an adjective- "cringe". If anyone would Google search "cringe TikTok", you'll find loads of articles and videos roasting TikTok. But in 2020, TikTok had clocked over 20 crore users in India. Also, TikTok gave an opportunity to many creators who hailed from disadvantaged communities But all of this changed last year. In June 2020, Ti...