On November 24, 2020, the government of India's most populated state passed an ordinance against forced religious conversion done for marriage. Its formal name was the Prohibition of Unlawful Religious Conversion ordinance, and it got a very media-friendly catchy term: "Love Jihad" Months later the ordinance was converted into an act by the legislative assembly of UP. You may think that it's a normal incident occurring in only a single Indian state. But Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttrakhand have introduced such laws. Now you could say that this issue exists because these states are BJP-ruled states and it wants to impose Hindu-nationalistic politics in the country. But there is another side - several Indian citizens are supporting these laws. A research study published by the Pew Institute in 2021 reported that 76% of Hindus who feel being Hindu is very important to truly be Indian, feel that they need to stop Hindu women from marrying outside their rel...
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